About Us
Parktacular Inc. is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charity. We operate with the financial support of our generous sponsors and donors. Members of the Parktacular Planning Committee and of the Board of Directors are volunteers, dedicated to the mission and purpose of the Parktacular Festival.
Our Mission
The mission of the St Louis Park Parktacular Festival is to provide St. Louis Park with an event that brings together local businesses and citizens of all ages to encourage a spirit of pride, a sense of community and an atmosphere of celebration for all residents. St. Louis Park Parktacular is held every year starting Friday of Father’s Day weekend, and ending Sunday on Father’s Day.
Our History

St. Louis Park has been hosting a City celebration since the early 1900’s. The 1914 event was dubbed as the “biggest jubilee celebration ever” in the Minneapolis Daily Newspaper. Through the years the celebration has been called Robin Hood Days and Party in the Park.

In the mid 1990’s, Vision 2000 was launched to determine what citizens wanted St. Louis Park to be in the new century. A resounding vote asked for a stronger community celebration, where citizens and groups could participate on a number of levels. The concept was discussed, embraced and the Parktacular Celebration was born. For more information, visit the St. Louis Park Historical Society page here.
Please join us at Parktacular 2024- June 13-16 and the 18th!
Attend: Three days of free and affordable FUN for everyone! Plan your Parkacular visit.
Sponsor: We are 100% sponsor-funded. Learn about Parktacular Sponsorship.
Participate: We have events to promote your business or organization. Sign up today!
Volunteer: – We are all volunteers! Sign up to be a Parktacular Volunteer.
Request Information:
Maggie Myers, President
Parktacular Inc. Board of Directors
To make a personal donation to Parktacular, please click here