Dare to be more, dare to give more, dare to experience more than you ever thought possible!

St. Louis Park Parktacular Ambassadors
The St. Louis Park Parktacular Ambassadors represent and promote the St. Louis Park community and the Parktacular Festival through participation in community festivals throughout MN and WI. In addition, as goodwill ambassadors for the St. Louis Park community they volunteer with numerous service projects and community outreach efforts including:
- SLP elementary schools Family Fun Nights and school carnivals
- Special Olympics sports tournaments
- STEP food and essentials drives
- Park clean ups
- Teaming Up for Teens backpack packing
- And many more…
Our Ambassadors are residents or students within the city and include elementary, middle school, young adults, and senior members of our community. As an inclusive program, we are one of three communities including Woodbury and St. Paul Winter Carnival who have representation from children, young adults, and seniors and we pride ourselves on the racial and ethnic diversity we have amongst our members. Many other communities admire our success in getting a cross-section of the members of our city to represent our own community. We believe that our Ambassadors are public servants and are to show St. Louis Park as a place where all ages, religions, and ethnicities can live, learn, and participate in a strong community, which is well represented by the Parktacular Festival.
For more information about the St. Louis Park Parktacular Ambassador Program, contact the Ambassador Program Directors.
- Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SLPParktacularAmbassadors/
- Follow us on Twitter and Instagram – @SLPAmbassadors
Our history – http://slphistory.org/missstlouispark/