Interested in Being an Ambassador

The St. Louis Park Parktacular Ambassador Scholarship program is a leadership and personal development program available to young men and women, ages 17-22* who live in St. Louis Park or currently attend or are a graduate of St. Louis Park High School, Benilde-St. Margaret’s, or Groves Academy. The ambassadors spend a year promoting St. Louis Park, the Parktacular Festival, and the Children First Initiative, at community festivals and celebrations throughout the Twin Cities metro area, out-state MN, and western WI, as well as taking part in numerous volunteer events and community outreach programs in and around St. Louis Park.
Interested individuals will take part in a six-week candidate program beginning the first week of May. Final selection for the 2019-2020 St. Louis Park Parktacular Ambassadors will take place on Saturday, June 15th, during the 2019 Parktacular Festival.
This is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience and we are currently accepting applications for our candidate program. For an application, click Ambassador Candidate Application and Questionnaire. If you need a copy of the application, please email us at
Still have questions, please contact us for a one on one coffee meeting (our treat!) to schedule an individual session.
Applications are June 1st and should be mailed to:
SLP Ambassadors
PO Box 26611
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Ambassador Candidate Application and Questionnaire
SLPPA Program Information Packet (YA)
Questions may be emailed to or call program Co-Director, Marla Destache, at 612-810-8413.
Follow us on:
Facebook – @SLPParktacularAmbassadors
Instragram – @slpambassadors
Twitter – @slpambassadors
*Students who are 16 and entering their senior year of high school in the fall of 2019 are also eligible.