Saturday, June 15, 2024
The signature event of Parktacular is the Grand Day Parade. The parade became a staple of summer in St. Louis Park even before the celebration was named Parktacular. Year after year, curbs are covered with blankets and boulevards are lined with chairs to watch. Please be socially distant as you decide where to watch this year. The Grand Day Parade takes place rain or shine and is one of Parktacular’s most popular events.
Important: QUIET ZONE between the Rec Center and the end of the parade
This year, the parade route features a designated “Quiet Zone” for parade-watchers who prefer a sensory-friendly and noise-free experience. It will be located on Monterey Drive between Park Commons and the Rec Center entrance, clearly marked on both ends with large signs. All parade participants must watch for this zone and ensure that you and your floats, vehicles and accessories make no loud or jolting sounds or
displays within this space. This includes: No blaring of sirens or horns, playing music, talking through bullhorns or megaphones, flashing lights.
Questions: Contact Terri Kane at 612-747-2330 or email
Parade Policies:
- Absolutely no throwing of any items from a parade unit. Walkers may distribute candy, coupons, flyers, stickers, or other items while at the curbside.
- No standstill performances will be allowed.
- St. Louis Park Parktacular requires proof of liability insurance before a motorized vehicle may be allowed in the parade. Any unit without such information will be pulled from the event. Please mail it to 3700 Monterey Drive, St. Louis Park, MN 55416, attention Parade Committee.
- Every participant must sign a Parade Waiver Agreement and mail it to 3700 Monterey Drive, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 attention Parade Committee. A representative of your unit may sign a single waiver on behalf of your group.
- Consumption of alcohol during the reception, line-up, parade, or take-down is strictly forbidden.
- All vehicles not in the parade MUST LEAVE the line-up area after dropping off individuals or after setting up floats. Please make driving arrangements in advance of parade day.
- At parade end, all floats/units must exit the parade route down Beltline Blvd as far north as possible for take-down, away from the intersection at Monterey.
- All animal units will be responsible to clean-up after their animals.
- It is expected that you keep your area in lineup clean while waiting for the parade to begin.
Parade Lineup
To enter the lineup area, floats and parade participants must enter from Excelsior Blvd at Joppa Avenue. Check in will be on Joppa Ave and you will be directed to your lineup spot. Line up opens at 10AM. Parade starts at 12PM at 40th and Kipling.
Important: QUIET ZONE between the Rec Center and the end of the route
Again this year, the parade route features a designated “Quiet Zone” for parade-watchers who prefer a sensory-friendly and noise-free experience. It will be located on Monterey Drive between the Rec Center and the end of the route, clearly marked on both ends with large signs. All parade participants must watch for this zone and ensure that you and your floats, vehicles and accessories make no loud or jolting sounds or displays within this space. This includes: No blaring of sirens or horns, playing music, talking.

Parade Route
40th & Kipling to the Rec Center, 3700 Monterey Drive
Parade takes place rain or shine